Tioga County, PA

Food Insecurity:

Tioga: 11%

United States 10%

Students eligible for free or reduced lunch:

Tioga: 51%

United States: 51%

Life Expectancy:

Tioga: 76.9

United States 77.6

Primary Care Provider Ratio

Tioga: 2270:1

United States: 1330:1

How does Tioga County compare to the United States?

Families reliant on Public Assistance:

Tioga: 25%

Pennsylvania: 28%

Children in the county who rely on Medicaid or CHIP:

Tioga: 48%

Pennsylvania: 47%

Real Growth in GDP 2017-2022:

Tioga: -00.1%

Pennsylvania: 4.6%

Median Household Income Growth 2017-2022:

Tioga: 28.8%

Pennsylvania: 17.8%

How does Tioga County compare to Pennsylvania?