I believe that so-called, “free trade”, is one of the largest threats to central Pennsylvania.

Since the passage of NAFTA and the addition of China to the WTO, workers all over central PA have seen their jobs sent to other countries. Pennsylvania as a whole has seen a loss of 308,676 manufacturing jobs since 1994.

Having a good-paying job is the building block for the American family. In order to remedy the economic crisis in central PA, I will strongly support policies that improve job prospects for central Pennsylvanians.

Public Assistance & Federal Programs

Pennsylvania’s 15th Congressional District is the most economically distressed in the state. Over 100,000 of the district’s residents rely on public assistance to survive. These programs include SNAP, WIC, TANF, Medicare, and Medicaid. Additionally, Social Security is a Federally backed program that protects the money you’ve earned, and its solvency is paramount to keeping the promise the nation made to working people. As your Congressman, I will never cut these important programs. Time and time again, when the nation asks to tighten the belt, they do so on the poorest of Americans, and that is unacceptable.

Worker’s Rights

As a construction worker, I understand just how important it is to have the government protect workers. In the United States, our worker’s protections have continued to decline as corporations have taken hold of our government. As your Congressman I will stand in solidarity with all workers in their fight to be employed with dignity, respect, and adequate pay.

Corporate Influence

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican, a Democrat, or any other political affiliation, Americans everywhere understand that corporations continue to prioritize their bottom line over the health of the country. Corporations spend untold amounts of money to influence all levels of our government. This influence is disgusting to me. Our government is intended to belong to the people, and despite what the Court said in Citizens United v. FEC, corporations are not people. As your congressman, I will fight corporate influence and restore power to the people of the United States.

Market Consolidation

I am a capitalist through and through. However, capitalism cannot work properly without competition. In the United States we have seen corporations through unchecked mergers consolidate our markets. The trouble with this is as a corporation marches toward market consolidation, they have no incentive to offer products at competitive prices, if there is no competition, they can squeeze hardworking Americans for all they have. As your Congressman I will break up consolidated markets to create more competitive markets for American consumers.

The National Debt

In 2023, just the interest on our national debt is $305 billion. This figure means that every year, as our debt exponentially expands, we spend more and more of our federal revenue on merely maintaining our credit rating. We are at a point where our debt-to-GDP ratio has reached 123%. This represents the second-highest ratio in the world. As the debt rises, economists agree that it creates inflationary pressure that reduces the buying power of everyday Americans. As your Congressman I will fight to balance the Federal Budget so that our leaders in Washington cannot continue to borrow against the future of the country in service of maintaining their own positions.